Smart Way To Save and Invest Money

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Make your life more colorful with automatic savings.

Hi Friends,

This is one of my personal favorites and hopefully after reading this article yours too,the interesting topic of Money…

During the Stone Age, soil, water, air, minerals and plants were a few of the natural resources that made life possible on Earth. Is it true now? I have to disagree,currently in our generation along with these resources; we also have to have money to fulfill our needs.

Need Vs Want : Humans can’t exist if there are no natural resources. This will fulfill our basic needs to survive. But to fulfill our dreams we want money. Hope you can agree.

Money plays a vital role in our day-to-day life starting from birth to death. If we misuse it, the rich can become poor (for example: Rainmaker: The party comes to an end for Vijay Mallya, India’s King of the Good Times). I am almost certain nobody wants to be a poor this day in age. So, how do you save money?

If you are terrible when it comes to savings. Here are a few methods to help ease the process. Thanks to current technology you have the capability to automate your savings at your fingertips.

As everyone depends on a paycheck, every month salary is deposited to your checking account. Transfer a portion of your paycheck into a savings account with the help of Direct Deposit. But this alone will not help or solve with your savings situation. After your monthly expenditures, if you have an additional amount in your checkings, normally you would get tempted to spend or buy unnecessary things. What if you could place it in an account that is just little bit out of your reach? This will help you to stop unnecessary spendings and could be very useful in case of an emergency or unexpected event.

If you have a Bank of America’s checking and savings account, Keep the Change program will help you to save automatically by rounding up to the nearest dollar on your purchases and transfer it to savings account . The Digit app has similarities to an ordinary savings account but with extra features for short-term goals like vacations, repairs, holiday purchases or in any other emergency. The Digit Savings are FDIC insured up to $250,000.

I like the caption of Digit “Save money, without thinking about it”.  To open a free Digit account all you have to have is any US Bank checking account. Digit will analyze your income and spendings, and every 2 or 3 days transfer few dollars ( $5 to 50) from your checking account and put it into a Digit account, which you access via text(SMS) message. If you want to pause your savings, simply text “PAUSE” to Digit’s number. Any savings you’ve not touched for three months, Digit will reward you with 5 cents for every $100.

Digit App currently available in an iOS app and planning to implement in Android.

To register or Read more: Digit – automate your savings

Digit can fulfill your short-term goals by automating your savings. But, what if you are beginner in stock market and do not know how to invest into the market with minimum money. Acorns is investment app which will invest your spare change with the goal of either building wealth or reaching short-term savings goals without affecting your lifestyle. Acorns works on round ups and recurring deposits.

The idea behind of Acorns is to attracts beginners and younger generation. Members under 24 years of age and those attending college pay no fees. For others annual fee $1 per month for accounts under $5,000, and 0.25 percent per year for accounts over $5,000.

After opening the Acorns account, connect your bank accounts and invest the change from purchases you make every day. For example, if you spend $31.75 in the supermarket the extra $0.25 could be transferred into the Round-up balance and be used for investing. Once the total reaches to $5, the money is withdrawn from your bank account and added to your Acorns investment. Also with recurring investment feature you can schedule daily, weekly or monthly from your bank account into Acorns account.

Read more :Acorns, Robin Hood and Stash: Easy smartphone investing roundup

These few are the best smartphone apps that currently available to automate your savings. So if you have not started any savings, analyze your income and expenditures for 2 to 3 months and set your goal for your savings. You can save by cutting monthly subscriptions, find and sell unused gift cards and earn  by selling old electronics, old books etc. by using Amazon Trade-In or ebay.

These tips will not make you rich but these smart saving program will help you save a few hundred dollars a year and that is good start if you have not started yet.

All the best friends.

I hope you enjoyed reading this topic, Please click like button and  post your comments. It’d be very greatfull if you share with your friends. Thank you!

-Ramesh Basina












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